Most of the snow has melted, there are a few drifts left in the shady spots and the north facing coulees, but mostly they are gone and the creeks are running full again. I have yet to see a Robin or a Meadowlark, but I feel that they are not far away. My wife’s garden has tulips popping up and small buds are forming on the Lilac bushes. Huge flocks of Geese are making their yearly trek back north, stopping off at the open water holes and the Missouri River.

April 10th will mark the opening of Spring Turkey season here in Montana. I, as well as many other hunters, have dreamt of this date during the long winter months. We huddle in our warm houses and scour the Cabela’s catalogs that are laying around for the latest and greatest gear that will make us all Turkey hunting Gods. We watch the Outddor channel as Ray Eye and other TV personalities from seasons past bag their giant Gobblers as we can only look out the window at the blowing snow and the mercury hugging -20 below.

So, here is to another Spring coming and blessing us, and may we all get out in the field and chase huge Turkeys!!
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